All posts by Nicholas Gerbis

10 tips for handling coworkers on Facebook

To friend or not to friend; that is the question. It’s a delicate one, too — but not nearly as tricky as managing the interactions among your various social networks on Facebook. Add coworkers to the mix, and you really have your work cut out for you (unless you’re okay with your team knowing that your “sick day” was really a “hangover day”).

Whatever your attitude, given Facebook’s more than 500 million active users, each averaging 130 friends, chances are you’ll bump into a coworker there eventually. Clearly, you need a plan; in this article, I’ll give you one.

10 tips for handling coworkers on Facebook

What’s inside a mosque?

As of 2009, about 2.5 million of the world’s 1.57 billion Muslims lived in the United States, according to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. According to National Public Radio, at least 100 mosques dot New York City alone and 1,000 more are spread across the country. Yet, to many of us, the inside of a mosque, and what goes on there, remain a mystery. In this article, I’ll take you on a virtual tour.

What’s inside a mosque?

60 percent of the time, it works every time: the facts about pheromones

We hear a lot about pheromones these days. Scent sellers have been touting their powers of sexual attraction and libido amplification for years, but the science behind these claims is sketchy at best. Although pheromone production and detection by humans remains controversial, pheromones are used throughout the insect and vertebrate worlds, among crustaceans and even in plants, in exciting and often surprising ways.

What are pheromones?