Category Archives: Consumer

Starlight, star bright, first shot I snap tonight

Infrared photo of Webster's Falls
Photo: Marcus Qwertyus/Wiki Commons

Photography is all about light; it’s right there in the name: photo (“light”) + graph (“means of recording”). So how do you shoot in the gloom between the golden hours? Well, you have a few options. You can pop in a flashbulb. You can try your hand at painting with light – that is, fiddling with f-stops and shutter speeds to let more light in over a longer period. Unfortunately, flashbulbs tend to wash out photos, and setting up longer exposures tends to limit your photographic freedom.

Night-vision cameras and attachments get around these problems, either by amplifying existing light or working with a different kind of ambient “light” – aka infrared radiation, either from body heat (thermal IR) or from an active IR illuminator attached to the camera. Today, infrared and ultraviolet cameras also make useful tools for inspections and field work. But how do they work, and what is their history?

How Night-vision Cameras Work

Lave Ferrous: The secret lives of magnetic soaps

There’s an old run of Peanuts in which Charlie Brown is repeatedly confronted by girls skipping “hi-fi” jump ropes or wearing “hi-fi” bracelets. Each strip ends with Charlie Brown loudly questioning how such an object can be hi-fi, but of course we know the answer: marketing.

Magnetic soap has that sort of ring to it, too. But there are actually good reasons for making surfactants – the group of surface-tension reducing substances to which soap belongs – stick to magnets. Imagine cleaning up an environmental disaster like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill without leaving any of your cleanup materials behind, and you’ll begin to see what I mean.

Of course, that doesn’t exampling how soap can be magnetic in the first place. For that, you’ll have to read on.

How Magnetic Soap Works

And if you believe that, I’ve got some Venusian swampland to sell you

Earthrise on moon.
Photo courtesy NASA

History is so replete with property swindles that we still have jokes about them. The phrase, “if you believe that, then I’ve got a bridge to sell you” derives from a favorite dodge of turn-of-the-century confidence men like George C. Parker, who sold the Brooklyn Bridge multiple times — along with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Statue of Liberty and Grant’s Tomb. Selling Florida swamp land, a favorite scam of the early 20th century, continues to this day.

Scan the internet, and you’ll quickly find a half-dozen companies ready to sell you your very own piece of space property, starting with the moon. In this article, I ask whether anyone can actually own our nearest neighbor, or if all these companies are exchanging for your green is a load of green cheese.

Can Someone Own the Moon?

Big Mouth Billy Bass sings all the way to the bank

Eddie hops aboard a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, along with Iraqi security forces and Soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division.
Photo courtesy U.S. Army.

Some inventions save people’s lives, others improve them and still others end up as the white elephant gift no one wants to take home. Sometimes the question isn’t, “Why didn’t I think of that?” it’s, “Why would anyone think of that?”

Well, if benefit to humankind were the only means of making a profit, there would be no reality TV. In that spirit, here’s a list of ten kooky creations that made a mint, including one that turned out to fill a legitimate need.

10 Weird Inventions That Made Millions

Beyond the great beyond

Burial image
By Caustic13, via Wikimedia Commons

Anyone can make a bucket list, but why stop with stuff you want to accomplish while you’re alive? Death offers all kinds of opportunities that life simply cannot match: You can be transformed into a diamond, launched in fireworks, propelled in ammunition, or installed as a permanent part of a coral reef community — none of which I would recommend doing while still drawing breath.

Finally, for those who prefer their final resting place out on the final frontier, there’s the ultimate infrequent flyer plan ….

How Space Burial Works
To Star-stuff We Return: The Space Burial Quiz