Tag Archives: environment

A hard rain’s a-gonna fall

Super-typhoon Nina Think you know destructive storms? I’m talking about Old Testament, wrath-of-God type destruction, storms that kill people by the millions and require years and billions of dollars to recover from.

In this article, I count down the Top 10 most devastating engines of nature in terms of the lives they claimed, their financial toll, and their lasting impacts on the cities and towns they razed.

10 Most Destructive Storms

Because if it were green, we wouldn’t know where to stop mowing

Why is the sky blue? Everyone supposedly knows, but just about everybody gets it partially wrong. Don’t feel bad, though; the answer has so many parts, it took philosophers and scientists from Aristotle to Maxwell to answer it.

Besides, it’s a bit of a trick question …

Why is the sky blue?

Are green machines worth the cabbage?

The world’s first mass-produced gasoline-electric hybrid car launched in December 1997 against a backdrop of growing concern over human-induced climate change and a clamor for greener technologies. Debate over the economic impact of the vehicles continues to this day, fueled by shifting sticker prices, ephemeral economic incentives and spiking fuel costs. Ultimately, detecting the economic impact of hybrids is about as easy as hearing an electric motor idling at a stop sign, but I took a crack at it anyway.

What is the economic impact of hybrid cars?

Top 10 reasons to buy a hybrid

What was once a tenuous toe-dip into green waters for car companies looks more and more like a sea change. Manufacturers today are increasingly utilizing dual-mode drivetrains both to improve fuel economy and to make better performing cars, even as they avail themselves of the hybrid cachet to hawk them. Today, there’s a hybrid for nearly every palate and purpose.

Top 10 reasons to get a hybrid car